Monday 19 November 2018

Kill Mealybugs with Soap

Having problem with mealybugs ? Yeah, I do .

So , I try to use soap and oil to test if this solution works. Guess what... it does work.
All you need is Soap, I use Sabun kapak or AXE soap. Cooking oil and water.

The measurements, well I just guessing and experiment it to my plant and see how it works. Too much soap can cause burn to the plants 😁hehe.

 I use 2 table spoon of cooking oil into soap water, mix well and spray at the evening. The next morning spray with water to all the plant that I did spray with soap water so it will not burn the plants during the hot sunny day.

This is before I spray with soap water.

This is after a day I spray with soap water.

Few mealybugs before .

And after, this is my first mistake. I leave the soap water that I spray too long to the plant and too much soap too. The plant burn slowly but the mealybug gone. Lesson learn spratwater to wash away the soap.

This is what happen to mealybug, from white turn to brown.

If you have this problem, try it.
Yes to organic method No too harmful chemical.